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I found this game in "arewegameyet". 

The dungeon designs were clever, and the game is pretty good.

However, balancing and world designs are a bit painful.

I had to fight each elemental twice because they were too strong.

And there is no save or warp point, so I had to walk across the world.

But, I was quite impressed by your work.

I expect your next game.


Hi, I ran into a bug in the game and am trying to open an issue on GitHub. According to, opening issues should be possible, even though they're not likely to be acted on. But it's not actually possible, the "Submit new issue" button is inactive.

Love the game, by the way <3

Huh, that’s weird, issues should be enabled on the GitHub repo, I didn’t change any settings there…

Okay, I just tried it myself, you need to fill in the title and description before the submit button enables.

Glad you like the game!


Oh, that's a bit embarassing... thanks for the head's up! I opened the issue now. Seems like I found the first bug ^_^


Solid game, with clear influences from early console RPGs.

I cannot say it is innovative, but everything it does, it does in a nice way, from battles to level progression to enemies.

Works flawlessly on Debian 12, well done!



nice game!